Blog Post

Building Your Faith

Ray Leight • April 8, 2021
Faith and trust. What do you find yourself trusting in? Are you content where you are with your faith and your trust in the Lord? Does your faith cause you to experience freedom, peace, and joy in all aspects of your life? 

Almost every client I work with talks to me about their desire to develop their faith in the Lord and their trust in Him. It seems this a struggle for many. It is probably the most common topic of conversation I have with my clients. Personally, I know this is one of my greatest struggles. Just last week, after watching God continually meet people in the depths of their lifelong pain and hurt, and miraculously comfort them, heal them, love them, and restore them to the truth of who they are in Him, I was dumbfounded with the level of unbelief I still have. It amazes me that I can live such a supernatural life and still not fully trust Him. It is a constant journey of growth for me. Sometimes I feel victorious in this journey, and sometimes I feel defeated—but I press on and I do not quit. While on this journey, there are a few things I have learned that help me grow in my faith. Hopefully, they will help you too.  

Let’s start with a simple definition of faith from Scripture because if we are hoping to build something, it seems appropriate to know what it is. In Hebrews, God’s Word tells us that faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Being sure and certain of our hope - Christ in us, the hope of glory - what a hope! Think about that for a minute. Are you sure and certain of the glory of Christ in you? If you are able, let yourself meditate on Hebrews 11:1 and Colossians 1:27, and let your heart and mind ponder the idea of the hope and glory of Christ in you. That truth alone can build your faith.

As we continue in our maturity process, faith will be a key factor in our growth. As I was thinking about building our faith, the first Scripture that came to mind was in Romans.

So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ. – Romans 10:17

If faith comes from hearing and hearing through the Word of Christ, His Word needs to be a significant part of our development. As I have shared before, almost every significant encounter I have had with the Lord started with studying His Word. The Bible is such a beautiful gift to us. As we looked at in the Spiritual-Care blog, time with God in His Word is essential in our growth. We have access to God’s Word through reading the Bible, and through direct revelation from Holy Spirit. Now that you have experienced some level of healing, hopefully you are in an even better position to receive truth from Holy Spirit. There are two Scriptures that I thought would help us understand Holy Spirit’s role in hearing the Word.

These things I have spoken to you while I am still with you. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you. – John 14:25-26

When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth, for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak, and He will declare to you the things that are to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take what is Mine and declare it to you. All that the Father has is Mine; therefore I said that He will take what is Mine and declare it to you. – John 16:13-15

As we look at these Scriptures, we can see that the Holy Spirit is our helper, guide, and teacher. He is “speaking” to us. He is reminding us of everything Jesus said, guiding us into all the truth, and glorifying Jesus by declaring to us the things of God. In 1 Corinthians, His Word tells us that our understanding of the things of God come through spiritual discernment. So, Holy Spirit is speaking, declaring, and teaching the things of God to us and helping us understand them through spiritual discernment.

Even when we are reading the Bible, the understanding only comes through spiritual discernment. It is always Holy Spirit teaching us. We are not figuring it out on our own. This process of spiritual discernment can happen in many ways. We can receive truth from the Bible, in prayer, hearing a sermon, talking with a friend, in a dream, encountering God in a vision, or intentionally allowing ourselves to be aware of His presence. Regardless of the experience, listening to Holy Spirit so we can hear the truth is needed. He can talk to us through thoughts, impressions, visions, feelings, memories, sensations, circumstances, an audible voice, and even our imaginations. He can meet us anywhere and reveal truth in whatever way we need.

If we want to build our faith, we need to listen to Holy Spirit in every way that He is speaking and declaring truth to us. It never stops amazing me how God meets people in a way that they can handle and understand. It is almost never the same. Unfortunately, the world, the culture, false religion, and our traumatic experiences have trained us to discount or not even be able to receive from Holy Spirit. Most of the time we do not even have the faith to listen so that we can grow in faith. It has taken me a long time to trust the voice of God in my life. In the beginning of my journey of faith, I met Jesus and started following Him in a visual encounter. I have experienced revelation visually in my mind’s eye, intellectually through prayer, emotionally through confession, and even audibly through hearing God a few times. He has fully engaged my intellect, my emotions, my senses, and my imagination in multiple ways. He is not limited. If you are having trouble relating to the different ways of spiritual discernment, I recommend an Identity Coaching session to be able to encounter God, get to know your true identity, and give your heart a choice.

Now that we are listening to Holy Spirit in every situation, let’s look at some of the practical ways we can build our faith. One of the kingdom principles I see throughout God’s Word is the concept of remembrance. Even the previous Scripture talks about Holy Spirit bringing things to our remembrance. From early in the Bible, God instructed His followers to establish memorials, celebrations, feasts, and traditions—all to remember. Remembering the truth and the work of the Lord will stir up faith.

I recommend finding ways to create memorial stones of your faith journey to celebrate the work of God and your growth. Be creative and let yourself have some tangible memorials that will remind you of what God has done in your life. This could be anything, even an actual stone. I also recommend finding ways to celebrate. Just like the feasts, and the holidays, let yourself celebrate the good things God has done in your life. Build new traditions of celebration in your life to remind you of the truth you are grounded in.

A lot of the principles we looked at in the emotional, intellectual, and spiritual self-care blogs will help you as well. Capturing every thought, bringing it into the light, repenting, believing the truth, speaking that truth over yourself, and encouraging yourself in the Lord. Celebrate the truth and declare it in faith! If you struggle with this, my Who Do You Think You Are? Bible study will help you. As you build your faith, you will recognize the fruit of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit manifesting in your life. This will build your faith as well. As the Lord works in you to will and to work according to His good pleasure, it will continue to build your faith. Galatians 3:5 tells us that the Lord supplies the Spirit to us and works miracles among us by hearing and faith. Celebrating those miracles and remembering them will continue to build your faith.

Establishing healthy boundaries and surrounding yourself with people that you can build up and who can build you up is also a great way to stir up faith. Invest in the relationships that build you up in faith and help you grow. Thankfully, you are more equipped now to establish healthy boundaries and communicate.

Take risks, try new things, celebrate, enjoy yourself, and be free. You can do this.


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