• Know your identity apart from behavior and performance
  • Acknowledge and identify your systems of self-protection without condemnation, shame, or denial
  • Know how to stay present so that your needs can be met
  • Believe and rest in what God says is true of you, so that you can experience peace and joy in any circumstance


Each Identity Coaching session with Ray is $150 and lasts 1.5 hours.

Each Grief Coaching session with Ray is $150 and lasts 1.5 hours.

Each Couples Coaching session with Ray is $250 and lasts 2 hours.

Each Identity Coaching session with Heather is $150 and lasts 2 hours.

Each Recovery Coaching session with Laura is $125 and lasts 50 minutes.

Each Dreams Coaching session with Colleen is $115 and lasts 60 minutes.

Each 1:1 Mentoring session with Kathryn is $75 and lasts 60 minutes.

*Please note, session availability is posted one month at a time to account for travel schedules. If you don't see a time available, please check back again soon.
Just wanted to thank you for opening my soul to the truth!!!!!!!! My crazy belief systems that are FULL of lies and protective mechanisms are being highlighted and flushed out of me all the time now. Truth has a whole new meaning. I don’t know how to describe this. Fear and anxiety were keeping me from hearing the truth. I actually believed that God wasn’t anywhere for me unless something really bad was happening and then He would show up afterwards to console me...sometimes... My head has been so full of lies that prey on my soul. Truth has this crazy new platform. I not only hear it in myself but when other people’s seriously overwhelming.


Author's Title
Since the Identity Session, I now find that I am more forgiving of myself and others. I am less judgmental and more willing to admit my mistakes to others. I do not see God as only a judge waiting to punish me, but as a loving father.
I see that even though I am broken, I just need to be available for God’s power to work through me. Personally, I feel less hurried and less of a need to try and prove myself. I have a more personal relationship with God, not so structured and routine.
In my marriage, I find myself willing to express my concerns and to accept my issues and my wife's issues. We are growing in our faith together more than ever.
I am more forgiving with my family and more patient. I am looking for ways to grow closer rather than for issues to correct.
Relationships are now my focus, where in the past achieving goals was my main focus. Growing my relationships has taken on a new level of importance. I see my career more as a place to help others grow and less about achieving things for me.
I think that having time to focus on what issues are blocking a closer relationship with God and addressing those is something that anyone who is wanting to grow in their walk could benefit from. It gave me an understanding of what Jesus has done and is doing for me personally.


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John Doe's Image
I have received so much healing and freedom it's hard to know where to start. I can hear my heart. For one of the first times in my life I can consistently hear the desires of my heart. I had no idea how much of my life was dictated by guilt and “shoulds”, but now I can just do the things that I want. I can do the dishes because I want to, not because I should or have to, and by doing it because I want to, I am so much more present and by extension joyful. I'm no longer living under the tyranny of my own agenda, constantly missing the enjoyment of the moment because I am trying to make it better or plan for the next thing. I feel like I am finally the true self I could always see but never discipline myself into becoming. Now it just flows out of me, life and love and joy. I no longer feel I am missing my kid’s childhoods, but just being in it with them.


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An identity coaching session is a time for you to be able to slow down from the busyness of life and get to know yourself.

"I have such confidence in my complete salvation, restoration, redemption – the outcome has been increased joy. This is life-transforming.”
"I spent many decades trying to manage my behavior. So refreshing to fill my heart with affirmations of who I am in Christ and see change in my behavior and self talk."
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